These Concussion Rehab Exercise Videos are here to educate you about some of the neurophysiological rehabilitation movements, methods, and techniques we use to help patients rehabilitate from mTBI (mild traumatic brain injury). Much of the rehab strategies we use overlap. One exercise often facilitates better performance of another exercise. An analogy for this would be how improved cardiovascular fitness helps support your strengthening endeavours and vice versa. The emphasis of these concussion exercise rehab videos is to promote efficient “form”, or reorganization of neural networks (groups of cells in your brains that fire together) that govern almost everything you do from reading, walking, scanning your environment, regulating your emotions and attention, and much more. The premise of the methods is simple and can be summarized in two adages:
1. Don’t reinvent the wheel, and;
2. What fires together wires together.
Like that, we use methods that promote re-experiencing the world the way we would have experienced them as children. For some patients, some exercises will take them back to infancy. And then we work back up. Like that, these movements have already been, at one-point, natural developmental milestones for us. And we just need to get back in touch with them, repeat them, until they become second nature: what fires together, wires together.
Some more resources on concussion rehabilitation can be found in our “Concussions 101 Podcast” and in our Concussion Library.