Virtual Appointment Attendance Procedures


A Virtual appointment in our program is done over OTN (Ontario Telemedicine Network).  Please take a moment to ensure that you can attend our video appointments.

Want to test your device before the appointment to make sure you will have no difficulties?

  • We have created a virtual dummy room for the purpose of testing your device.
  • No appointments are held in this virtual dummy room.
  • You can simply click on this virtual dummy room link to see if you can access the virtual dummy room with your device.
  • If you can access the virtual dummy room, you will have no issues accessing your video appointment with the device you tested on the day of your appointment.
  • If you do have issues, you have two options:


1. You can check to see if you can access this virtual dummy room with your regular phone line. To do this:

  • Phone (888) 346-6784
  • Enter the following information when prompted:
  • Event ID: 542845127
  • Audio Guest PIN: 963159


2. Follow the instructions in the section “Still having difficulties” below.

If you prefer to access OTN services over your mobile device with video capabilities, OTN says you must install the Pexip Infinity Connect app found in the app store. OTN says that this app must be already installed at the time that you wish to attend your video consultation using your smartphone. Our experience is that android and apple user do not need this app when accessing virtual appointments, but if you do run into difficulties accessing the virtual dummy room, you may want to follow the instructions at the link below:

Choose either iPhone/iPad or Android depending on which device you have.

If you cannot get access to this virtual room, you can test your device by clicking on the link below:

If you have any issues connecting, please phone OTN at 1-855-654-0888 and provide them with the link above. This is a free service and they will help you troubleshoot any potential issues. Please note that once you ensure that a device works for OTN calls, try to use the same device every time you attend a video visit with our program. For any new device you would like to use, you will have to follow the same procedure.

To learn more about the technical requirements to participate in OTN calls using your operating system/device, go to


  • Email requesting to participate in specific Group Counselling section (e.g., CBT-i is one section, Functional Management of Chronic Headache is another section). The start date of the next round of every section will be found on this page:
  • We will send you an invoice for that section.
  • Once the invoice is paid, you will be enrolled in all Group Counselling sessions for the next round of that section.
  • If you change your mind and would like to cancel before the start of the section, you can email in requesting a refund. We will refund you less a 25% administrative charge.

To book the OHIP-funded “Orientation” Group Counselling session:

  • simply go to the “Book an Appointment” page
  • scroll down to the section “Group Counselling”
  • select the “Orientation (video)” button.
  • Upon enrolling, you will get a confirmation email from Medeo.

***Please note: Appointments for the group sessions in the booking system are in 5 min increments, i.e., …

          • If Orientation starts at 9:45 am and lasts until 11:00am, then…
          • When booking with the online booking system, it will assign you a 5-min slot between 9:45am – 11:00 am, e.g.,  10:05 am – 10:10 am.
          • Being assigned to this slot allows you to attend the session, but you have to remember to sign on at 9:45am no matter what time you book.


  1. At the start time of the session, you simply go to the “Attend a Virtual Appointment” page
  2. Scroll down to the section of interest, i.e.,  “Group Counselling” or “Occupational therapy”, etc.
  3. Select the button in that section, i.e.,  “Group Counselling” or “Occupational Therapy with Gabriella”, etc.
  4. You will have to enter your name and then join the room. The host will admit you when they are ready for you.
  5. If you prefer, you can turn off your video so that only your voice is shared over the call.
  6. Please mute your microphone. Background noises can be very disruptive to the presenter and the participants. You can unmute your mic when you would like to speak.
  7. You also do not have to look at the screen. In effect, you can treat this like a phone call, but held over OTN.

If you prefer to access OTN services over your mobile device with video capabilities, you must install the Pexip Infinity Connect app found in the app store. This app must be installed at the time that you wish to attend your video consultation using your smartphone.

  1. Simply download the application and then you can leave the app. This app simply acts as a host and does not require any direct involvement within the app interface itself.
  2. Once you’ve installed ‘Pexip Infinity Connect’, visit our website using your phone to attend your virtual appointment at as you normally would through a desktop.
  3. The instructions from here are the same as for accessing the session on a web browser:

You can visit your virtual appointment by phone by following this procedure:

  • Phone (647) 805-0588
  • Enter the following information when prompted:
    • Event ID: Will be sent to you in your appointment reminder email.
    • Audio Guest PIN: Will be sent to you in your appointment reminder email.