Here are some resources to help you on your way to a multifaceted headache management plan.
Migraine Buddy: This app tracks your headaches, all types, not just migraines. You can print out the data the app collects. Available on iTunes and Google Play
Miles for Migraine Virtual Race: Get your friends and family to sponsor you. It’s a fun way to keep track of your exercise progess.
Managing Migraine: Contains many resources on migraine education and management.
Severe Headache Expert: Contains many resources on migraine education and management with a focus on non-medical strategies.
pIR HEG: Contains two articles discussing the use of pIR HEG (Passive Infrared Hemoencephalography) for treating migraines.
Migraine and Dizziness: This article written by Dr. Teixido discusses the relation between migraine and dizziness.
Hutchinson, Susan. The Woman’s Guide to Managing Migraine: Understanding the Hormone Connection to find Hope and Wellness. Oxford University Press; 1 edition (Jan. 30 2013)
Marcus, Dawn A. Woman’s Migraine Toolkit: Managing Your Headaches From Puberty to Menopause. DiaMedica (Dec 14 2010)
Ruoff, Gary. Knock Out Headaches. Spry Publishing LLC; 1 edition (October 2, 2012).