General concussion info
The Toronto Concussion Clinic was founded to bring the community an evidence-based, comprehensive, multidisciplinary and up-to-date program to help you recover from a concussion most effectively and safely.
Our goal is to help get you back to all your activities symptom-free and at your highest potential.
Herein is a compilation of information in the field to help educate you on some of the basic lifestyle principles conducive to concussion recovery. This is for educational purposes only and the specific recommendations may vary depending on the details of your injury. Its contents are based on information from research and clinical experience.
Concussion management is as much an art as it is a science and a unique management plan for every patient is paramount to success; there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ remedy. Everyone heals at their own rate but success can be had with a disciplined, methodological approach. It is important that you actively participate in the treatment plan and cooperate with your family, teachers, colleagues, healthcare team and most importantly yourself, to help get you back to all you do in tip-top form.