Unlike anxiety that revolves around fear of the unknown future, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) revolves around fear of past memories. One third of people with PTSD are still suffering 10 years after their traumas…but it doesn’t have to be that way. Join us to understand the science behind this riptide of PTSD and the treatment options that exist to swim out of this confusing, unintuitive condition.
1, online (over OTN) group counseling session
Counseling facilitators: Dr. Taher Chugh.
Email us at team@torontoconcussion.ca to request enrollment.
To be determined
Please note: While we endeavor to limit the session to the allotted time, at times, the sessions go overtime because of discussion and questions. Please keep this in mind when scheduling group counseling appointments. We recommend that you do not book anything else for 30 minutes after each group session.