Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Policy

Latest Update (March 2022)

The ministry has announced that it is lifting the lockdown status in the province of Ontario

As we are seeing an increase in openings of businesses across the province, it is expected to see an increase in COVID-19 contacts. Please pay attention to the latest recommendations from the ministry below.


  • Masks & PPE are still required as we continue to deliver care in a health care / clinical setting
  • We will still be sending out COVID-19 questionnaires to screen for major and minor symptoms.

Many other questions have surfaced:

  • What do I do if I’m still experiencing symptoms?
    • Anyone with ‘major’ COVID-19 symptoms would need to self-isolate (Major symptoms are classified as: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, or decrease of taste/smell). If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you are required to isolate for a period of 5 days
    • Anyone with ‘minor’ COVID-19 symptoms would need to self-isolate for 48 hours (Minor symptoms are classified as: runny nose, muscle ache, vomiting, headache, diarrhea).
    • For those who are asymptomatic but have tested positive, you would need to self-isolate but those that you have been in proximity with wouldn’t need to self isolate provided they are fully vaccinated


For a comprehensive breakdown of whether or not you are required to self-isolate, please use this link:

Latest Update (January 2022)

The ministry has announced a lockdown status in the province of Ontario

a. As we are seeing an increase in cases in the community, it is expected to see an increase in contacts. Please pay attention to the latest recommendations from the ministry below.


  • Testing – testing is no longer recommended. PCR is reserved for specific populations. Even those with symptoms are asked not to seek testing but isolation
  • Isolation household – vaccinated individuals with symptoms are asked to isolate for 5 days only. Household contacts also need to be isolated.
  • Non-household contacts – Non-household contacts are required to self-monitor for ten days

Many other questions have surfaced:

  • Contact – there are still questions on what is a contact (e.g. wearing PPE and coming into contact with someone may be positive is NOT a close contact).
  • Rapid test – testing immediately after contact does not guarantee no exposure. Symptoms may take time to develop. There is no recommendation for rapid testing post contact.

What we are doing

To ensure the safety of our community, the Toronto Concussion Clinic is taking the following measurements and precautions:


1. Providing patients with COVID-19 screening questionnaires.

a. The first questionnaire will be sent to you by email the day before your appointment. This must be completed online the day before your appointment.

b. The second questionnaire will be posted on the clinic’s locked door. Upon arriving for your appointment, you will review the same and then you will email that you have read the questionnaire and that you have not answered “yes” to any of the questions. You will then be admitted to the clinic.


2. Plastic shields covering the reception.


3. PPE.

a. All patients and their chaperones, if applicable, are required to bring a mask for their session with our consultants.

b. All staff will be using PPE.


4. Hand sanitizing stations. Please ensure you are regularly sanitizing your hands. This includes before and after your appointment with our team.


5. Platform for providing care. We will be providing more of our services over the phone and over OTN. The government has consented to fund care over the phone given the circumstances.


6. Schedule changes.

a. Please note that for many of our providers, schedules have changed. Please check them so you can better plan your appointments.

b. Currently, only one provider is scheduled to be in clinic, in-person, per day to reduce the traffic.


7. Health card. With the phone and video visits, staff will be asking you to provide your health card number when you are booking appointments.

Before coming to our clinic

Do not come to our clinic if you have any of the following:


• Cold Symptoms (fever, chills, cough, sneezing, throat, fatigue, runny nose, taste and voice change)

• Digestive/Stomach Symptoms

• Travelled in the last 14 days

• Been in contact with someone with any of the above


If you are experiencing a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and/or suspect having COVID-19 we recommend:

a. you call TeleHealth Ontario (open 24/7 at 1-866-797-0000); or

b. go to a COVID-19 Assessment Centre for testing.


If you have no respiratory symptoms but have…

a. traveled outside of Canada; or

b. have potentially been in contact with a person exposed to the coronavirus;

quarantine yourself for 14 days before considering coming to our clinic.


Telephone consultations, in lieu of in-person appointments, are being made to continue caring for our patients while promoting everyone’s safety.

Caution for At-Risk People



1. Getting treatment that compromises (weakens) your immune system (for example, chemotherapy, medication for transplants, corticosteroids, TNF inhibitors).


2. Having a condition that compromises (weakens) your immune system (for example, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, immunodeficiency disorder).


3. Regularly going to a hospital or health care setting for a treatment (for example, dialysis, surgery, cancer treatment).


4. Having a chronic (long-lasting) health condition (for example, diabetes, emphysema, asthma, heart condition, COPD).

Late Cancellations/Missed Appointments

1. Late cancellation/Missed appointment fees still apply to all telephone, OTN, and in-person appointments*.


2. Tentatively, there are no missed appointment fees for failing to attend group counselling appointments.


3. *If you cancel an in-person appointment because you have come down with respiratory symptoms or have been potentially exposed to CoVID, there will be no late cancellation/missed appointment fee. But, you will not be able to return to clinic until at least 2 weeks of quarantine past your last day of symptoms; and you must be cleared by your GP or public health, and give us notification of the same in writing from the doctor that cleared you, in order to attend an in-person appointment at our facility.

Assessment Centers in the Community

1. North York General Hospital

The patient needs to go to the telehealth website and register first, they will assist the pt with further info. There is no referral form.


2. Southlake Hospital

The patient needs to go to the telehealth website and register with them and they assist the patient with further info. There is no referral form.


3. St. Joseph’s Health Center

Has a walk-in assessment center. There is no referral form.


4. Markham-Stouffville Hospital

Has a walk-in assessment center. There is no referral form.


5. Mackenzie Health

Has a walk-in assessment center. You need a referral form.

Referral forms are available for upload to your physician’s EMR system. Referrals can be faxed to MH 905 883-0772.  Patients will be called to come in, directly.

More Information

For accurate information on how to protect yourself and your family, please visit the Ministry of Health website:

Updated March 24, 2022